Real Investor Data
About Us
Dedicated to Your Business' Growth
Quality Real Estate Data to Grow Your Business

We want you to have access to the Same Data that Top Producing
 Investors and Professionals Utilize in their Businesses..

Each month, public record is updated with information
 about new real estate transactions in every city & state.
This compilation of data has been organized specifically
for your ultimate benefit, whether you are looking to find 
vacant properties, cash buyers or private money lenders.
How Can We Be of Service?
Our Mission at Real Estate Data Now is to Equip
Real Estate Investors & Professionals Like You with
Quality Resources that will Enable Them to Maximize
The Earning Potentials of their Enterprises

When we have a specific targeted list leads to approach,
we follow a strategic sequence of letters, postcards and phone
  calls that are 
designed to build rapport and gain credibility.

The basic axiom of success in real estate is:
"It is Not Who You Know, It is Who Knows You..
& Who Knows You Well Enough to
Trust You with Their Business."

Here are some of the key principles we like to follow:

Your Network is Your Net Worth
Even if a lead does not convert into a closed transaction, we still maintain relations which brings referrals
Nurture Relationships
with Mail Campaigns
It takes 7 consecutive contacts (on average) before an individual is compelled to respond to a mailer
Track Your Lead-to-Close Ratios
Know the # leads, # mailers, # of responses, # of appointments, # of closings, $ revenue generated, $ net profit
Create Systems that
Attract Quality Clientele
Our marketing is designed to target only the highest quality properties, buyers or lenders.. the ones who meet certain criteria and are easy to work with
Develop Instant Rapport & Credibility with Clients
Can you blame someone for googling your name and company after receiving a letter from you ? Make sure that if someone googles your name and company, 
they find something good.
Show Potential Increases
In Their Bottom Line
Everyone's favorite radio station is WII FM... "What's In It For Me?" What impels clients to work with us is our ability to show them how much $Value$ we can provide
Contact Us
  • (323) 900-5258 ext 130
    177 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91105
Copyright 2024 © Real Investor Data
All information on this website or any e-book or software purchased from this website is not intended to provide financial advice. Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, does not represent a guarantee. Your actual investing may result in losses as no real estate investing is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, investments, profit or loss, and agree to hold Real Investor Data and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways. The results, claims and outcome of this program made by customers has not been investigated or substantiated by any third party. The performance, results, claims or outcomes of this program as such is not what you should expect to experience. Real Investor Data offers all customers 30 days to evaluate our programs risk-free and offers a 100% money back guaranteed refund if you are not satisfied with your purchase. All Rights Reserved. The use of this system constitutes acceptance of our user agreement.
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